With which one can showcase one's business details.
Do Direct Calling, Whatsapp, Location, Social Media, Youtube, Share & more.
Create your own with few clicks in minutes.
The link in any of your devices, including your phone.
The way you want ex - Through whatsapp, SMS, E-mail, etc.
Your contacts can now Call, SMS, Whatsapp, Email you with just a single click.
Your contacts can now check your company logo with the business details as well as your contact details.
Your Contacts can now view your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkdin & Youtube accounts.
Sharing your business card can't get much easier, you can easily share your digital business card with anyone through SMS, Email, Whatsapp, etc.
Your contacts can now check your business informations and all other necessary informations.
You can now showcase a list of products and services that you offer to your treasured customers.
You can now showcase your business, product and services related images.
You can now link your Youtube Video(s) or Video(s) from any other platform to your digital card.
Per Year
₹200/- Per Extra Card
18% GST Applicable